I use Python to re-produce the lab results and examples in each chapeter from the book Introduction to Statistical Learning with Application in R wittern by James, Witten, Hastie and Tibshirani.
It also includes the exercise solutions in Python3. This booked covers most of topics in machine learning.
- CHAPTER 2: Statistical Learning
- CHAPTER 3: Linear Regression
- CHAPTER 4: Classification
- Logistic Regerssion
- Linear Discrimnant Analysis
- Quadratic Discrimnant Analysis
- CHAPTER 5: Resampling Methods
- Cross Validation
- Bootstrap
- CHAPTER 6: Linear Model Selection and Regularization
- Best subset selection
- Cross Valiation
- Ridge/Lasso Regression
- Principal Components Rregression
- Partial Least Squares
- CHAPTER 7: Moving Beyond Linearity
- Polynomial Regression and Step Function
- Splines
- GAMs
- CHAPTER 8: Tree-based Methods
- Decision Trees
- Bagging and Random Forests
- Boosting
- CHAPTER 9: Support Vector Machines
- Support Vector Classifier
- Support Vectir Machine
- SVM with Multiple Classes
- CHAPETER 10: Unsupervised Learning
- Cluster Methods